Standard Door Sizes in Perth – A Quick Guide

white door closed on blue wall background interior

Did you know that the standard size of internal and external doors can differ? It makes sense because each serves a different purpose in your home, both visually and practically, but it’s probably not something you’ve considered.

Knowing the common sizes for interior doors in Australian houses will help you decide whether you need custom doors for your space or can choose from a large selection of ready-to-hang completely finished or primed doors. Here is a quick guide

Standard Door sizes

The standard door dimension in Australia differs from house to house based on factors like function, the material used, location, ceiling height and preference. Nevertheless, the typical door height is usually 2040 mm while the thickness is 35mm.

The height could however vary and extend to 2340 mm in homes with higher ceilings while the thickness could go up to 40mm. As for the width, the standard size is 820mm but width is the most varying factor as shown below:

a. Internal Doors

The most typical internal standard door size in Australia is 2040mmx820mmx35mm. While this is the most frequent size, door manufacturers also make doors in the following sizes:

  • 2040mm x 520mm x 35mm
  • 2040mm x 620mm x 35mm
  • 2040mm x 720mm x 35mm
  • 2040mm x 770mm x 35mm
  • 2040mm x 870mm x 35mm
  • 2040mm x 920mm x 35mm

b. External Doors

External doors are also standardized in Australia, however, they are 40mm thick. This usual thickness is, however, reduced to 35mm in some older dwellings. External doors are commonly available in the following sizes:

  • 2040mm X 820mm X 40mm in new properties
  • 2040mm X 870mm X 40mm in older properties 
  • 2040mm x 770mm X 40mm
  • 2040mm X 870mm X 40mm
  • 2040mm X 920mm X 40mm

How Should You Position the Handle Correctly While Installing a Door?

The Australian Standard AS 1428.1 specifies that a door handle’s height should be between 900 and 1100mm above the floor. This is true regardless of the door’s size. This is made for ease of use and mobility.

Contact Hammer and Brush for Door Installation Perth Residents Trust

Although the size of your doorways may not have previously occupied much of your mind, it’s useful to know where you stand before you start assessing your options. For the best door installation in Perth, call Hammer and Brush at 0435 502 256! We are a family-run business, husband-wife, and two sons.

Kevin Hallam

Kevin Hallam

Kevin Hallam is a master carpenter with 27 years of experience. He and Carolyn formed Hammer and Brush in 2012, a company offering a range of carpentry and painting services in Perth, Western Australia. Kevin and Carolyn, who have been together for 27 years, are joined by their two sons in the family business. Besides their trades, Kevin and Carolyn enjoy a range of outdoor activities, such as boating and caravanning. They have lived in Western Australia for the past 14 years and now call it home.

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